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Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on covid deaths

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 3,562 Views
Published on 18 Sep 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism

Funeral Director for 15 years in the UK speaks up. Reveals shocking details of the covid death situation. No pandemic. Death victims mislabeled intentionally. Everyone whose body he picked up had had the shot. He never took precautions of 'covid' victims. Never got anything even in close contact treating body. Sudden surge started then stopped in nursing homes. Sudden surge of sedative drugs ordered. Even saw the odd file in the people's rooms implying they were sedated (to death). Spoken to nurses told to give lethal dose of sedatives. Called to hospital to pick up folks still warm. Overall 2020 was quieter than 2019 for funerals. He began to smell a rat. Predicted the numbers would soar after vaccine started and it did. Now he is seeing them dying from heart issues, blood clots, stroke, organ failure especially. Variants are vax side effects. 45 funeral director employers privately contacted him concerned of truth they know too. Shunned by media now. Share the truth yourself! This guy is such a decent human being. May God protect him now that he's coming out with the truth!
PS. He was offered 85,000 pounds to keep quiet. That says it all.

Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services

John O’Looney’s direct email: [email protected]

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